Encouraging Creativity in the Workplace

The word creativity could seem out of place for a corporate work setting.
But truly, creativity is at the very core of our existence.
When we are not expressing our creativity, we don’t feel at our best, we feel unaccomplished, especially at the workplace, even a corporate one. Without creativity, work could feel like a set of mundane tasks we must do to get a pay cheque at the end of the month, or as when due.
There are lots of benefits to a creative workplace of which we shall talk about shortly, before we share some tips on how you can foster a culture of creativity at your workplace.
As a result of creative thinking, fresh ideas and opportunities as well as creative solutions to problems are discovered which in turn, helps grow a business. Work morale is usually high when creativity is fostered in the workplace and team bonding is at its peak too due to increased level of engagement in the workplace. And of course, creativity encourages an open environment in the workplace.
Tips for encouraging workplace creativity.
- Seek fresh ideas.
As much as you have set procedures for achieving tasks, it is necessary to seek fresh ideas intermittently to learn something new or improve the current processes. Once in a while, let employees procure their own solutions to problems, anonymously.
- Engage fresh minds.
There is nothing as monotonous as seeing the very same people dance choreography every time you go to a concert. Even if they are dancing to different songs, it could be incredibly tiring to see. In the workplace, it is very helpful to not get ideas from the very same people every given time. Get suggestions from different sets of people and you will encourage everyone to unlock their creativity.
- Take action on the good ideas.
If an employee notices that their supposedly great idea wasn’t implemented, it is very likely that they will keep silent when next their ideas are required. If it happens that you are unable to use the good ideas you got, endeavor to make employees understand why.
- Provide a welcoming atmosphere.
Workplace culture and atmosphere will determine whether or not employees will be interested in sharing creative ideas or adding a spice of creativity to the execution of their work. In a workplace where everyone is obviously allowed a say, it is quite easy to see creativity at work.
- Encourage individual work without supervision.
You know how stuck you got whenever the teacher came close to you during exams? That’s how some employees feel when working with close supervision. It locks up their creativity and reduces effectiveness. Oftentimes, encourage employees to do work without superior supervision.
- Encourage teamwork.
It could seem like we are conflicting ourselves with this point, after sarong the above point.
But here’s the idea. When working in a group, one idea from a person could give birth to a million more from every other person that wouldn’t have come up without teamwork. The bottom line is this, know when to apply every tactic.
- Take necessary breaks.
Sometimes, the Eureka moment doesn’t come when you are sitting face to face with your computer, staring at the proposal you are writing. It could come when you’re in the shower. We are not saying you should run to the shower every time you get stuck but you could take a walk, chat with colleagues, or just relax.
On a final note, creative ideas in the workplace should always be useful and appropriate for the particular project, it should also be workable and effective. It is not just about brainstorming, it is about bringing actionable ideas to the table that will improve productivity or the success of the said project.
Moreso, the ideas should not just be left in paper, they should be worked on. Just like Arnold H. Glasow said, “ An idea not coupled with action will never get any bigger than the brain cell it occupied.